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Working with my Clients

I've been fortunate enough to work with a diverse group of clients and their feedback has always been incredibly helpful. It's always rewarding to hear how my services have made a positive impact on their lives.

Here are just a few comments that I've received:


Richard Hill III

Chief Technology Officer @ RLX LLC, US

Dom is an above and beyond kind of guy. He takes pride in doing the job correctly by implementing and researching the industry’s best practices. He is thorough in his approach and well-documented in his work. He brings great insight and ideas to the table and is not afraid of any challenge.


Raphael Justin Jambalos

Content Delivery Manager @ Cloud Native Development Team, PH

He is a "swiss-army knife" of a Mobile Developer. I worked with him for eight months on a mobile app project. I was impressed by the depth to which he thinks about his deliverables. My specialization is backend so I wasn't really able to fully define his requirements as his manager. But I'm glad that I worked with him because he went above and beyond. He delivered not just the mobile app written in Flutter, but also the API documentation (written in Swagger), complete setup in Firebase, push notifications, interviewing and enabling new Mobile developers, creating CI/CD for the mobile app, creating analytics, and defining the events needed by the customer, and deploying the app in App Store / Play Store. He also loves to document everything he does and is very organized with his work.

With Dom, I am fully confident that the feature or project I have entrusted to him is thoroughly made and well-tested.


Fernando Ereñeta

Head of Product @ 917Ventures, PH

Dom is one of the best developers I have had the opportunity to work with. He is organized, self-directed and highly knowledgeable in mobile development. These traits did not just make him an easy resource to manage, but instrumental in our development efforts. We could not have developed our Flutter application to the same standard (and in such a short period) without his expertise. He will be missed.


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